Why Notepads? Notepads Work For You!
Your potential clients will see your information 25 times (25 sheets) and on an order of 1,000 pads... 25,000 times!
Everyone loves notepads for shopping lists, things to do, reminders, notes, etc.
Leave stacks of them at your hairshop, cleaners, restaurants, etc.
Great to leave at doorsteps of your farming area or as a mailing piece and hand-outs!
We offer full-color, beautiful, clean and fully customizable notepads with your customized letterhead business card.
Ordering is as easy at 1… 2… 3…
1. Select Notepad Top (or create your own)
2. Select Notepad Body
Shopping List
Things To-Do List
3. Select Notepad Bottom
Scenic Design
Below are some designs to select from
or, mix-and-match!